Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 6 - The Ultimate Temptation

French Fries from Rascal's Teriyaki Grill

Today I faced my biggest order of french fries from Rascal's Teriyaki Grill.  I picked these up for my husband and the aroma filled my car.  If you've had these fries, you know that they are steakhouse fries with seasoning on them.  They are really good.  They are especially good hot, so normally, if I'm in the car driving they will be half gone by the time I get home.

Not today.

Yes, they smelled good to me.  Yes, I know how good they are.  And yes, my stomach was growling at the time...

But, somehow, I didn't want to eat them.  I really didn't.  Because I knew that eating even one fry meant "game over".  I mean I could have eaten it, and who would know? 

I guess I would.  And the funny thing is that it wasn't hard not to eat it.  I'm surprised.  Really surprised.

After that success, the rest of my day ended up being one heck of a sad and frustrating day.  It was one of those days that make you want to scream and cry.  It was one of those days where I'd look for a cold beer to decompress.  Or a pint of ice cream.  But instead, I had a soothing mug of hot H2O.   

Game on.

Day 6

Oatmeal with soy milk and strawberries

small apple

Chicken Red Bean Soup

small apple

Brown Fried Rice with one egg
Roasted vegetables

Calories:  1089
Cost:  93 cents

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