Monday, May 21, 2012

What's for breakfast?

I haven't told a lot of people about my experiment because some will be critical, think I'm just plain cheap or just stupid because I'm going to make myself sick. 

They're just haters.

The people I have told do think I'm crazy and/or stupid because I'll get sick, but at least they keep their criticism to themselves.  I really think if they were reading this blog they'd realize that, hey, maybe she knows what she's doing.

I'm telling you people, I'm just so perfect for this experiment.

I need to do this.  I need to eat less and I need to eat better and stop wasting so much money on fast and junk food.

I'm highly qualified because I can grow my own organic vegetables, live in sunny California where there is fruit dropping off trees and wasting away, know how to cook enough to make inexpensive meals out of what's on hand, and know how to buy food on a budget.  I'm also knowledgeable about dieting and nutrition.

And lastly, I actually really, really want to do this.

Okay, so what's for breakfast?  I have some ideas already.  How do these sound?

2 T Peanut butter on 1/2 sliced banana (250 cal, 9gm prot) 24 cents
Sauteed egg on brown rice, 1/2 t olive oil (263 cal, 10gm prot) 23 cents
Oatmeal with soy milk and strawberries (265 cal, 8gm prot) 38 cents
Egg and sauteed vegetables, 1/2 t olive oil (200 cal, 7gm prot) 18 cents
Egg and 1/2 avocado omelet, 1/2 t olive oil (208 cal, 8gm prot) 18 cents

I'll have some gleaned oranges, so I'll have some orange slices with them for extra calories and vitamin C.  Add an extra 60 calories to each meal if I have an orange.

I can't afford coffee, so I'll have plain hot water or lemon hot water.

It's pretty close to what I'm eating right now, except I usually have apples instead of bananas, white rice instead of brown, and Fiber One and Raisin Bran instead of oatmeal.  I also like to eat cheese toast but can't afford that.  Oh, and I will miss my greek yogurt.  So I'm substituting things with more nutritious, less processed foods.

Don't hate.


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