Friday, May 18, 2012

Let's talk about protein

If you knew what my diet was like right now, you'd be appalled.  I like hamburgers and french fries, chocolate, diet soda, potato chips, cookies, cakes, and host of other bad food choices.  And, it seems like I'm trying to get into the most pitiful condition by June 1 so that I can see a lot of positive results from the challenge.  Maybe since I won't be able to eat this stuff in June, I'm shoveling it all in now. 

On the other hand, I want June 1 to roll around ASAP so I can get off this insane eating train.  My weight is at an all time high and my physical condition is at an all time low.

For now, let's talk about protein.  We need them to help build strong bodies and bones.  They help to curb hunger and keep your mind sharp.  It's good to eat some protein first thing in the morning to get your engine started. 

So what's the best protein money can buy?  And that's the problem.  Protein costs money.  It's hard to just find protein if you are foraging unless you come across a nut tree.  And how often does that happen?  We get the bulk of our protein by eating meat and fish.  What are you vegetarians doing?  I bet they have to subsidize their protein requirements with protein powder.

Since I can't grow my own protein in my garden (although veggies do have small amounts of protein), I'll have to buy it.  This has never been a problem until I am challenged to spend $1 a day.  True, dry beans do have protein, but they are not a complete protein.  Soybeans are a complete protein, but I'd have to have a lot more garden space to have a decent crop and they don't grow that well in this area anyway.

Now I read that someone my size needs about 45 grams of protein a day.  I have no idea if I get that much now, but based on the number of hamburgers I eat, I'm sure I don't have a deficiency. 

What has 45 grams of protein?

A chicken breast + thigh + 1/2 a drumstick
7 oz of fresh fish
A can of tuna + a little more
15 slices of bacon
7 1/2 eggs
6 cups of milk
6 oz cheese
1 1/2 cups tofu
3 cups cooked beans
12 tablespoons of peanut butter

So looking at this list, it is easy to see that it will be hard to buy 45 grams of protein a day.  That's 45 * 30 days = 1350 grams of protein for the month.  So, I will do my best and buy the most cost effective protein available while providing some variety and I have narrowed my list down to this:

1 whole chicken for the month, and it will take up a good chunk of my budget.  I want a whole chicken because I'm going to utilize the carcass and make chicken soup.  One whole chicken will provide approx 250 grams of protein. ($5)

2 pounds of dry beans.  Not sure how I am going to cook this yet, but expect I'll be eating this in a bean burrito.  192 grams protein ($2)

2 dozen eggs.  150 grams protein ($3, thank you TJ's)

16 oz Pnut Btr. 126 grams protein ($2)

8 cups uncooked brown rice, 170 grams ($1.16)

36 oz tofu, 84 grams protein ($2.58)

42 oz oatmeal,  80 grams protein ($3)

1/2 gallon soy milk, 48 grams protein ($3)

This is where the bulk of my protein costs are coming from.  And look how healthy!

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